Three years ago, I dreaded going into public, even on my drive home from work! Why? Because I didn't want to see something that could spark jealousy in me and overturn my ENTIRE evening because I couldn't control my thoughts! For about two years, with the slightest reminder that someone else was pretty or attractive, I would be filled with jealousy and hate for the sin of lust. Weird times! Not fun, and it was depleting.
Today as I showed up to Light of Love, I was reminded of how far I have come.
I joined them in prayer and just stayed back in the car while they went in to give away gift bags. Since 2019 I have experienced a true and deep level of healing. The result is that I have strengthened my self-control, particularly in my thoughts! I now can love where I used to feel so quickly depleted.
Thank you, Faith, for making this wonderful ministry and allowing me a space to intercede for others who are also potentially bound up internally in hopes that they would experience freedom.